2016年10月13日 星期四


管子 -> 輕重戊 http://ctext.org/guanzi/qing-zhong-v/zh

我們就來看看 受害者/苦主們的悲慘遭遇:
@魯梁/紡織業 齊桓公多穿精美的絲織品(綈) 大家都穿。再命令我國(齊國)不可以做絲織品。 (人為製造市場供給匱乏) 
管仲派人告訴魯梁的商人。 魯梁人人做絲織品, 十個月後,關閉外交、貿易,魯梁糧食價格十倍。 魯梁君主下令不要再做絲織品、改種糧食,但是短時間之內無法收成。 兩年後,魯梁之民歸齊者十分之六。 (應該有無數餓死者...) 
**糧食生產,應該自給自足。 人家高價要跟我們買甚麼,我們不能忘記自己的根本。 商人轉述的投資機會,應該請教有智慧的人,看有沒有陰謀在。
@萊莒『能源產業』 柴田。 (生產木柴,類似於能量來源,19世紀煤炭,20世紀石油,21世紀核能。) 鑄造金幣,重用萊莒的賣柴商人。 萊莒君王聽到以後,覺得這樣的貿易可以賺到。 用我的特產,買光齊國的寶物。 (吾國之奇出也。以吾國之奇出,盡齊之重寶,則齊可并也)
萊莒就不耕種農業而生產柴。 兩年後,萊莒糧食價格37倍,萊莒之民降齊者十分之七。 28個月後,萊莒君王請求投降。 
**國家貿易策略,應謹慎訂定。 主政者不可認為,貿易上孤注一擲,贏得大獎;應先求根本。 想運用特產、生產優勢去贏別人;先掂量自己的能力。

@楚/糧食業 打不贏戰鬥民族 桓公超出一般行情,很貴的買楚的鹿 再跟齊國民眾講好,收藏糧食60% 鹿一隻八萬 準備二千萬要求跟楚買鹿 楚王聽到以後,跟內政部長講:賺到了!告訴人民,現在、立刻、馬上,捕鹿賺錢。 楚國糧食價格40倍。 齊國載糧食到(芊南),問說:「有沒有人要當齊國人?當齊國人有飯吃!」 **對方要用高價跟自己買東西的時候,買得又快又急的時候; 先想想自己把東西賣光的後果嚴不嚴重,全力只從事這一樣事情的後果。 @代國;配合演出: 離枝國 桓公超出一般行情,拿錢,要買白色的狐皮。 代王聽到以後,跟內政部長講:「代國比離枝國弱, 就是因為沒錢;今天齊國要跟我買東西, 是代國的福氣啊! 告訴人民,現在、立刻、馬上,捕狐, 賺齊國錢,將來贏過離枝國。」 代國人果然忘記本業,跑到山裡面,找白狐皮, 二十四個月,一塊皮都得不到。 離枝國聽到消息,侵略代國北方,代王嚇到,願意投降給齊國。 齊國不用花一塊錢,外交往來,三年而代國臣服(溫水煮青蛙?)。 **外來勢力要我們生產成本高、週期長的東西, 不要頭腦壞去接單生產。 不要忘記本業。 **有的國家只是配合演出,不要搞錯對象。 外交言詞常常只是大勢所趨下的產物; 大勢將成之前,要聽遠見人的話。 @衡山/機械設備精密工業 齊桓公想要制服衡山的方法 桓公超出一般行情,很貴的買衡山的機械設備 派人到衡山買機械設備。 燕代聽到了這個消息,跟著買進。 秦國聽到燕代在買機器設備,跟著買進。 衡山王聽到以後, 跟內政部長講:「全天下都爭著買我的機器設備, 生產生產再生產」 衡山之民,忘記本業,生產機器。 齊國用比市場高的價格買糧食, 天下間商人聽到了,都賣糧食給齊國。 齊國修機械設備十七個月,該有的都有了。 齊國糧食貿易五個月,不但自己的糧食夠吃了, 也不會得罪國際間的大勢力,隨後立刻閉關不跟衡山國貿易。 衡山國自己想一想:打不贏二個敵人,即刻把國家奉上歸附齊國。 @@ 齊桓公表示:『哥今天沒事,想搞個國家玩玩』 閒帝王配野心家,野心家計謀一執行,就是弱國人民的噩夢) (除非弱國有智謀來保護自己)

餵養娃娃魚的小金魚 逃3年沒被吞噬變「大魚」

管仲的經濟戰 文言文


魯梁:紡織業 桓公曰:「魯梁之於齊也,千穀也,蜂螫也,齒之有脣也。今吾欲下魯梁,何行而可?」管子對曰:「魯梁之民俗為綈,公服綈,令左右服之,民從而服之,公因令齊勿敢為,必仰於魯梁,則是魯梁釋其農事而作綈矣。」桓公曰:「諾。」即為服於泰山之陽,十日而服之。管子告魯梁之賈人曰:「子為我致綈千匹,賜子金三百斤,什至而金三千斤,則是魯梁不賦於民而財用足也。」魯梁之君聞之,則教其民為綈,十三月而管子令人之魯梁,魯梁郭中之民,道路揚塵,十灸不相見,絏繑而踵相隨,車轂齺騎,連伍而行。管子曰:「魯梁可下矣。」公曰:「奈何?」管子對曰:「公宜服帛,率民去綈閉關,毋與魯梁通使。」公曰:「諾。」後十月,管子令人之魯梁,魯梁之民,餓餒相及,應聲之正,無以給上。魯梁之君,即令其民去綈修農穀,不可以三月而得,魯梁之人,糴十百,齊糶十錢。二十四月,魯梁之民歸齊者十分之六,三年,魯梁之君請服。 萊莒:能源產業 桓公問於管子曰:「萊莒與柴田相并,為之奈何?」管子對曰:「萊莒之山生柴,君其率白徒之卒,鑄莊山之金以為幣,重萊莒之柴賈。」萊莒之君聞之,告左右曰:「金幣者,人之所重也。柴者,吾國之奇出也。以吾國之奇出,盡齊之重寶,則齊可并也。」萊莒即釋其耕農而治柴,管子即令隰朋反農。二年,桓公止柴,萊莒之糴三百七十,齊糶十錢,萊莒之民降齊者十分之七,二十八月,萊莒之君請服。 楚國:糧食產業 桓公問於管子曰:「楚者,山東之強國也,其人民習戰鬥之道,舉兵伐之,恐力不能過,兵弊於楚,功不成於周,為之奈何?」管子對曰:「即以戰鬥之道與之矣。」公曰:「何謂也?」管子對曰:「公貴買其鹿。」桓公即為百里之城,使人之楚買生鹿,楚生鹿當一而八萬,管子即令桓公與民通輕重,藏穀什之六,令左司馬伯公將白徒而鑄錢於莊山,令中大夫王邑載錢二千萬求生鹿於楚。楚王聞之,告其相曰:「彼金錢,人之所重也,國之所以存,明王之所以賞有功也。禽獸者,群害也,明王之所棄逐也,今齊以其重寶貴買吾群害,則是楚之福也,天且以齊私楚也,子告吾民,急求生鹿,以盡齊之寶」,楚民即釋其耕農而田鹿。管子告楚之賈人曰:「子為我致生鹿二十,賜子金百斤,什至而金千斤也,則是楚不賦於民而財用足也。」楚之男子居外,女子居涂,隰朋教民藏粟五倍。楚以生鹿藏錢五倍。管子曰:「楚可下矣。」公曰:「奈何?」管子對曰:「楚錢五倍,其君且自得,而修穀,錢五倍,是楚強也。」桓公曰:「諾。」因令人閉關不與楚通使,楚王果自得而修穀,穀不可三月而得也,楚糴四百,齊因令人載粟處芊之南,楚人降齊者十分之四,三年而楚服。 代國:白鹿 桓公問於管子曰:「代國之出何有?」管子對曰:「代之出,狐白之皮,公其貴買之。」管子曰:「狐白應陰陽之變,六月而壹見,公貴買之,代人忘其難得,喜其貴買,必相率而求之,則是齊金錢不必出,代民必去其本而居山林之中;離枝聞之,必侵其北;離枝侵其北,代必歸於齊,公因令齊載金錢而往。」桓公曰:「諾。」即令中大夫王師北將人徒,載金錢,之代谷之上,求狐白之皮。代王聞之,即告其相曰:「代之所以弱於離枝者,以無金錢也;今齊乃以金錢求狐白之皮,是代之福也,子急令民求狐白之皮,以致齊之幣,寡人將以來離枝之民。」代人果去其本,處山林之中,求狐白之皮,二十四月而不得一;離枝聞之,則侵其北,代王聞大恐,則將其士卒葆於代谷之上。離枝遂侵其北,王即將其士卒願以下齊。齊未亡一錢幣,修使三年而代服。 衡山:機械設備精密工業 桓公問於管子曰:「吾欲制衡山之術,為之奈何?」管子對曰:「公其令人貴買衡山之械器而賣之,燕代必從公而買之,秦趙聞之,必與公爭之,衡山之械器,必倍其賈,天下爭之,衡山械器,必什倍以上。」公曰:「諾」。因令人之衡山求買械器,不敢辨其貴賈。齊修械器於衡山十月,燕代聞之,果令人之衡山求買械器。燕代修三月,秦國聞之,果令人之衡山求買械器。衡山之君告其相曰:「天下爭吾械器,令其買再什以上」,衡山之民,釋其本而修械器之巧。齊即令隰朋漕粟於趙,趙糴十五,隰朋取之石五十,天下聞之,載粟而之齊;齊修械器十七月,修糶五月,即閉關不與衡山通使,燕代秦趙即引其使而歸;衡山械器盡,魯削衡山之南,齊削衡山之北,內自量無械器以應二敵,即奉國而歸齊矣。

Guan Zhong's conspiracy -Economic war


Guan Zhong is a conspiracy. Economic warfare expert.

Let us take a look at the tragic experiences of the victims/bitters:

Luliang "Fabric Industry", Laiwu "Energy Industry", Chu "Food",
Die "White Deer", Hengshan "mechanical equipment precision industry"

@鲁梁/紡織業   Luliang / fabric industry.
Qi Weigong (齊桓公) wears more delicate silk fabrics (绨)
Everyone wears it. Then order Qiguo(齊國) not to make silk fabrics.
(Many lack of supply for the manufacturing market)

Guan Zhong sent a person to Lu Liang’s businessman.
Luliang everyone made silk fabrics,
Ten months later, the diplomacy and trade were closed, and the price of Luliang food was ten times.

Lu Liangjun ordered that no more silk fabrics be made and food should be replanted, but it could not be harvested within a short period of time.
Two years later, the Luliang people surrender to Qiguo(齊國) were 60%.
(There should be countless starved people...)

** Food production should be self-sufficient.
What people want to buy with us at a high price, we can't forget our roots.
The investment opportunities that the businessman relayed should be consulted by wise people to see if there is any conspiracy.

@莱莒/能源產業(柴田)  Laiwu "Energy Industry" Wood field.
(Production of firewood, similar to energy sources, 19th century coal, 20th century oil, 21st century nuclear energy.)

Cast gold coins and reuse Laiwu's firewood merchants.
After hearing the King of Laiwu , I felt that such trade could be earned.
Use my special products to buy the treasures of the Qi State.
(The my country’s singularity is also out. With the singularity of my country, the best treasures are all right, but also the same)

Laiwu produces wood without farming.
Two years later, Laiwu’s food price was 37 times high, and Laiwu’s people were surrender to Qiguo(齊國)70%.
After 28 months, Laiwu's King requested surrender.

** National trade strategy should be carefully set.
The politician cannot be considered to be desperate in trade and win the grand prize;
I want to use special products and production advantages to win others; first measure my ability.

@楚/糧食 Food
The public is out of the general market, and the expensive deer who buys Chu is talking to the people of Qiguo, collecting 60% of grain.
Deer one 80,000, prepare 20 million, ask for a deer with Chu
After hearing the King Chu, he told the Minister of the Interior: Earn it! Tell the people, now, immediately, immediately, to catch the deer to make money.
The price of food in Chu is 40 times.
Qi Guozhe brought food to (Southern Fujian) and asked: "Is there anyone who wants to be a Chinese? When the people of Qi have food!"

** When the other party wants to buy things with high prices, when they buy fast and urgently;
First think about the consequences of selling things out of the way is not serious, and fully do only the consequences of doing the same thing.

@代國;  Die, with the performance Lichu.

The public is out of the general market, taking money, to buy white fox fur.
After the king heard it, he told the Minister of the Interior: "The country is weaker than the country.
Just because there is no money; today Qi State wants to buy things with me,
It is the blessing of the country!
Tell the people, now, immediately, immediately, catching foxes,
Earn money in the country and win the country in the future. "

The Chinese people have forgotten the industry and ran to the mountains to find white fox fur.
Twenty-four months, a piece of skin can not be obtained.

He heard the news from the branch country, invaded the northern part of the country, was scared by the king, and was willing to surrender to Qi.
Qi does not have to spend a dollar, foreign contacts, three years and surrendered to the country (warm boiled frog?).

**External forces want us to produce things with high cost and long cycle,
Don't be too bad to go to order production.
Don't forget the industry.

** Some countries only cooperate with the show, don't make mistakes.
Diplomatic words are often only the product of the general trend;
Before the general trend will be achieved, we must listen to the words of the far-sighted.

@衡山/Machinery Precision Industry

Qi Yigong wants to subdue Hengshan
 Mekong is beyond the general market, very expensive to buy Hengshan machinery and equipment
Send people to Hengshan to buy machinery and equipment.
Yan Dai heard the news and bought it.
Qin Guo heard that Yandai was buying machinery and equipment and buying it.
After Hengshan Wang heard it,
Speaking to the Minister of the Interior: "All the world is vying to buy my machinery and equipment.
Production and production reproduction

The people of Hengshan, forget the industry and produce machines.
Qiguo buys food at a higher price than the market.
The merchants in the world heard it and sold food to Qi.
Qi Guoxiu mechanical equipment for 17 months, there are some.

Qiguo’s grain trade is five months, not only is his food enough to eat,
Nor will it offend the big forces in the world, and then immediately close the trade without Hengshan.

